Automatic Hyphenation

Automatic Hyphenation

Automatic Hyphenation

Canvas X Draw can insert a hyphen in the last word of a line to give text objects a more balanced, even appearance. You can also control the hyphenation properties so that Canvas X Draw only hyphenates under specific circumstances. Hyphenation settings apply to entire paragraphs. To hyphenate a specific word, you can manually insert a hyphen.

To Use Automatic Hyphenation:

  1. Choose Text | Type...
  2. On the Type palette, click the Hyphen tab to bring it to the front. Turn hyphenation on and configure the following settings.
  3. Click Apply to implement the hyphenation settings.

Hyphenation Settings on the Type Palette

After word beginning

Specify the minimum number of letters that must precede a hyphen.

Before word ending

Specify the minimum number of letters that must follow a hyphen.

Smallest word

Specify the minimum number of letters that a word must have to be hyphenated.

Consecutive line limit

Specify the number of consecutive lines that can end in hyphens; e.g., if four consecutive lines could end in hyphens but the limit is three, Canvas X Draw does not hyphenate the last word of the fourth line.

Skip capitalized words

Turn this option on to prevent proper names and other words beginning with a capital letter from being hyphenated.

Hang Punctuation

Prevents punctuation from separating and wrapping to the next line.

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