Creating Flowcharts
In Canvas X Draw, you can use the Flowchart palette to create a flowchart using standard flowchart symbols and lines. You can adjust the pen, fill, dash, and arrow attributes of the lines, the amount of offset spacing between symbols, the size of the symbols, and the position of symbols relative to each other.
To Create a Flowchart:
- Choose Window | Palettes | Flowchart.
- Drag a flowchart symbol into your document.
- Add additional symbols, by doing one or more of the following:
- Select a symbol in the Flowchart palette, and then click one of the arrow direction buttons in the Create Controls section.
- Select a symbol in the Flowchart palette, and then click one of the arrow direction buttons in the Branch Controls section.
To Set the Default Attributes of Flowchart Lines:
In the Flowchart palette, set the Smart Line Attributes to control the Pen, Fill, Dash, and Arrow attributes.
You can quickly select and edit the attributes of smart lines without clicking each one individually. Select the type of Smart Line tool you want to edit from the Toolbox and press Command + A.
To Set the Default Attributes of Flowchart Symbols:
- Make sure that no objects are selected in the document.
- In the Toolbox, set the Pen, Fill, Dash, and Arrow attributes.
To Change the Attributes of Flowchart Lines or Symbols:
- Select the flowchart lines or symbols in the document.
- In the Toolbox, set the Pen, Fill, Dash, and Arrow attributes.
As with any Canvas X Draw object, you can also change the size of the selected symbols, the opacity, and effects such as bevel and shadow. You can also align symbols, rotate them, or skew them.
To Replace One Symbol with Another:
- Select the symbol you want to replace in your document.
- Select the replacement symbol in the Flowchart palette.
- Click the Replace button.
To Add Text to Symbols and Lines:
- In the document, select the symbol or line that you want to add text to.
- Select the Selection tool from the Toolbox.

Type the text you want to add.
You can edit the text, change the font, size, color and other attributes as you would for any text you enter in Canvas X Draw.