Use the Text Object tool to place text objects, or columns, in page layouts. Text objects created with this tool keep their width and length, unlike text objects made with the Text tool, which shrink and expand in length to fit the amount of text you type. The Text Object tool is especially useful for designing templates and master pages, because you can set up text columns and add type later.
If you enter text into a text object created with the Text Object tool, and there is more text than will fit in the column, an overflow indicator appears at the bottom of the text object. (See Flowing Overset Text into New Text Columns.)
To hide the bounding boxes of text objects, choose Layout | Display | Hide Text Boxes. To show them again, choose Layout | Display | Show Text Boxes.
The Text Object tool doesn’t select text or place a text object in Edit mode. For these operations, use the Text tool. (See Using the Text Tool.)
Select the Text Object tool.
When you move into the document window, the pointer is an I-beam with an arrow.
You can begin typing in the new text object immediately. Press Esc to exit Text Editing mode and select the text object. Press Esc to deselect the text object.
You can identify whether you are in Text Edit mode by the Status bar.
Arrange text objects the same way you arrange other types of objects. Drag text objects with the mouse, resize them by dragging a selection handle, “nudge” text objects with keyboard arrow keys, and set coordinates and dimensions in the Properties bar.