How to delete the Canvas Settings from the Mac System Library
Overview: The following steps will remove the Mac Library settings for Canvas X Draw. The Mac library contains the activation/registration settings for Canvas X Draw.
Note: All prior custom settings will be removed and will need to be redone within the program.
Applies To: Canvas Draw / Canvas X Draw for Mac OS only
- In the
Finder, select the “Go” menu then, "Go to Folder".
- Type /Library as seen below and click enter key to open.
This will take you to the Mac System Library Folder.

- Open
the Application Support folder.
- Drag
the entire Canvas GFX folder to the trash.
- You will be prompted to input your Mac's password
to confirm you wish to delete. (***If you are not prompted to input your Mac password, then you are in the User Library and not the Mac Library).
- Once
deleted, restart your Mac.
- Open Canvas X Draw. Verification screens will appear -- Accept the End User License Agreement and input your Mac's password if prompted.
- The "Welcome" screen will now appear. Follow the screens to input your Canvas account email, password and license key.
- If you have an active subscription, you will receive confirmation that it is active.
- If you have a new or existing license, input the license key when prompted.
Please create a ticket if you have any problems or suggestions for this article. Thank you for using Canvas.
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