If you need help while using Canvas X Draw, there are various utilities for your use.
Canvas X Draw includes a Help file to provide assistance right within the program.
Do one of the following:
When you first open the Help, the Contents topic appears. You can also search for topics or use the Index.
Select this command to open the Canvas X Draw Startup dialog box. You can create a new document, open documents, or access recent documents. You also have links to tutorials, online forums, knowledge base articles, among others.
Choose Window | Show Startup.
Open by default, the Canvas Assistant dynamically displays information related to document setup, selected tools, and selected objects. Information is sorted according relevancy; i.e., specific, related, or general.
Choose Help | Show Canvas Assistant.
Choose Help | Hide Canvas Assistant.
The Dynamic Help is a quick way to learn about the currently selected tool. In order to use the Dynamic Help, the Properties bar must be visible.
Do one of the following:
Do one of the following: