How to Bind Text Along a Curve

How to Bind Text Along a Curve

Overview: Canvas X lets you bind text objects to a vector object or path using the Path Text Tool or Bind Text menu option.  

Applies To: Canvas X, Canvas X Geo, Canvas X3, Canvas X Draw

Steps Using the Path Text tool:
1. Create your vector object or path.
2. Select the Path Text tool from the toolbox.

3. Click on the object you would like to wrap text around and type your text.

*Clicking on the bound text will display the Bind Position Handles. These handles are used to change the starting position, baseline position and flow direction.

Each handle has a different function to manipulate the wrapping. Below are each of the three functions:
Change Alignment 
Change Baseline
Change flow direction

Steps Using the Bind Text Menu:
1. Create your vector object or path.
2. Create or select existing text.
3. Shift-click the text and vector object or path. (You can also drag a selection around both to select)

4. Go to the Effects menu and choose Bind Text.

5. Your pointer will turn into a cross hair.
6. Click anywhere on the vector object or path to apply. Text will apply to the point where you click.

7. Use the Bind Position Handles to change the starting position, alignment, baseline position and flow direction.

Note: You can delete or hide the vector object and the text and all of it's editable properties will still remain.

Please create a ticket if you have any problems or suggestions for this article. Thank you for using Canvas.

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