


You can adjust the brightness of shadows, highlights, or midtones by using the Levels command. Brightness values range from 0 (black) to 255 (white). For colored pixels, brightness is the brightness value in each color channel.

The Levels command works with all image modes except Black & White and Indexed.

To Adjust Levels:

  1. Select a paint object to adjust. You can select an area in the image to adjust the selected area only.
  2. Choose Image | Adjust | Levels.
  3. In the Levels dialog box, select a channel or combination of channels in the pop-up menu. The Levels command will affect only the specified channels.
  4. Do one or more of the following:
    • Lighten highlights: Enter a positive number less than 255 in the right Input Levels box, or drag the white slider under the histogram. Canvas X Draw assigns the maximum output level to all pixels on the right of the slider.
    • Lighten shadows: Enter a positive number in the left Output Levels box, or drag the black slider under Output Levels to increase the minimum output level. This value becomes the darkest value allowed in the image.
    • Darken highlights: Enter a positive number less than 255 in the right Output Levels box, or drag the white slider under Output Levels to set the maximum output value. This is the brightest value allowed in the image. You can darken highlights in one color channel to bring brighter colors back into the printable color range.
    • Darken shadows: Enter a number greater than zero in the left Input Levels box, or drag the black slider under the histogram. Canvas X Draw assigns the minimum output level to all pixels on the left of the slider.
    • Adjust midtones: Enter a value in the center Input Levels box or drag the gray slider under the histogram. To lighten midtones, enter a value from 1.01 to 9.99 or drag the slider to the left. All pixels on the right of the slider will be brighter than medium gray. To darken midtones, enter a value from 0.1 to 1.00 or drag the slider to the right. All pixels on the left of the slider will be darker than medium gray.
  5. Click OK.

Saving and Loading Levels Settings

You can save Levels settings on disk to use again. For example, after correcting a scanned photo, you can save the settings and use them to correct other images scanned from the same source.

To Save Levels Settings:

  1. In the Levels dialog box, click Save.
  2. In the dialog box, type a name for the settings file, select a location, and click Save.

To Load Previously-Saved Levels:

  1. In the Levels dialog box, click Load.
  2. In the dialog box, locate the settings file you want to open, and click Open.

Levels Dialog Box

Use the Levels dialog box to control different aspects of brightness levels.


Choose an individual color channel or the composite channel.

Input Levels

Type values in the Input Levels boxes or drag the slider under the histogram to set the minimum input level, midtone ratio, and maximum input levels.

Output Levels

Type values in the Output Levels boxes or drag the sliders to set the minimum and maximum output levels.


The histogram graphs brightness levels for the selected channel.


Click Auto for Canvas X Draw to map the darkest values in the selection to black and the lightest value to white.


Click the Set White Point eyedropper tool. Click in the image to pick the values you want to assign to the lightest area in the image. Click the Set Black Point eyedropper tool. Click in the image to pick the values you want to assign to the darkest area in the image.

See Also:

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