Scaling & Measuring 3D Models

Scaling & Measuring 3D Models

Overview: Below is information on scaling and measuring imported 3D models.
*In order to scale a 3D model with high accuracy, the models real-word dimensions must be known.

Applies to: Canvas X3

Steps to complete: 
The below example uses a model of a standard 12-inch ruler.

1. When creating your document, choose an appropriate paper size and set your drawing scale.   

*Note: the document scale can be changed at any time under Layout > Document Scale > Set Document Scale.

2. import your 3D model and choose which view you would like to capture in the 2D environment. Make sure to capture in orthographic view

3. To get anchor points for more precise scaling & measurements, create vector paths for the model.

4. Select your object and open the Object Specs palette under Window > Palettes > Object Specs. Choose "Dimension" and enter the known object dimensions. *If only one dimension is known, select "Keep proportional".

5. Your object is now scaled proportionately and can be accurately measured.

 *Note the Scale Bar on the left-hand side can be found under Object > Options > Create Scale Bar

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