Transparency masks let you create complex transparency effects. You can use transparency masks with vector, paint, text, and group objects.
Channel masks and vector masks are the two types of transparency masks available. You can apply either mask type to vector, text, paint, and group objects.
An object can have only one mask, but it can have a mask along with other effects such as opacity and transfer mode.
When you edit paint objects or channel masks, Canvas X Draw previews transparency effects according to a preference setting. You can temporarily change the preview when you are in Channel Mask Edit mode.
When you edit a channel mask with no preview, a checkerboard pattern lets you focus on the transparent object. The checkerboard hides objects behind the transparent object, while showing the transparent areas in the object you are editing.
In Total Preview mode, Canvas X Draw shows objects that are in front and in back of a paint object or channel mask you are editing.
Press the Asterisk (*) key, or choose Hide Transparency Preview in the context menu.
Choose Show Transparency Preview in the context menu. If you don’t choose the command, Canvas X Draw restores the preview setting each time you leave Edit mode.
Choose File | Configuration Center. Open the Screen Rendering manager and select an option in the Transparency area. Click Background Preview to preview background objects only. Click Total Preview to preview background and foreground objects. Click No Preview to display transparent objects against a checkerboard pattern for editing.
If you select the No Preview preference, you can’t use the context menu to change the preview while you edit an object.
The preview preference affects what you see when you paint in a transparent paint object or edit any paint object. If objects are in front of the paint object, you can see the objects while editing if you select Total Preview. If you select Background Preview or No Preview, foreground objects are not displayed when you edit a paint object or a channel mask.