Using the Alignment Grid
You can display a grid of vertical and horizontal lines to aid in positioning objects in a document. You can also turn on the snap-to-grid feature to make Canvas X Draw snap objects into alignment with the grid when you drag near a grid line.
When snap-to-grid is active, the pointer movements snap to the grid according to the settings in the Grids manager.
To Display Grids:
Do one of the following:
- Select the Grids checkbox in the Properties bar.
- Choose Layout | Display | Show Grids.
To Turn Off Grids:
Do one of the following:
- Deselect the Grids checkbox in the Properties bar.
- Choose Layout | Display | Hide Grids.
To Turn on Snap-to-Grid:
Do one of the following:
- With the Grids checkbox enabled in the Properties bar, select the Snap to Grids button.

- Choose Layout | Grids and Guides | Snap to Grids. Choose the command again to turn off snap-to-grid.
To Temporarily Override the Grid Constraint:
Press Tab as you create, resize, or move objects.
To Set Up the Alignment Grid:
- Choose Layout | Grids and Guides | Grids and Guides Settings...
- In the Grids manager, enter a value in the Line Distance X: Units text box.
- Enter a value in the Line Distance Y: Units text box.
- Enter a value in the Snap Factor X: Fields text box.
Enter a value in the Snap Factor Y: Fields text box.
You can enter decimal or fractional values; Canvas X Draw converts fractional values to decimal values; e.g., if the Line Distance is 1 inch, a Snap Factor of 1/2 Fields sets snap points every 1/2 inch.
- Select Snap to X and Snap to Y to make objects snap to the snap points on both sets of grid lines.
- Click OK to implement the grid settings.
You can also use SHIFT + arrow keys to precisely position objects on your grid.