What's Next?

What's Next?

What's Next?


Canvas X Draw is packed with many more useful features and tools—more than we can cover in this simple guide. Hopefully, these instructions have given you some ideas on how the program can help you create and enhance technical illustrations or use it as a collaborative tool as part of your technical illustration workflow.

We encourage you to explore the rest of Canvas X Draw, and to experiment with some of the features for yourself. If you get stuck, or need more information about a particular tool or feature, try one of the following options:

Consult the Help File

The Canvas X Draw Help provides explanations and steps for using all of the Canvas X Draw features. As well as detailed descriptions of all the tools, the Help provides more information about how to create and enhance, import and export your technical illustrations. Press the F1 key while using Canvas X Draw at any time to open the Help file. Help is available whether you are online or offline.

Product Support and Resources

If you have an Internet connection, you can access the latest information instantly by clicking Help | Product Support and Resources. You will find a PDF of the User Guide, a PDF of this Getting Started Guide, online tutorials, and any updates to the software.


Visit the Canvas GFX Community by clicking Help | Canvas Forum. Here you can find our forums, chat to other Canvas X Draw users, and sign up for our free email newsletters to get tips and tricks, and other useful information.

Web Site

On the Web site, www.canvasx.com, you can find more information about Canvas X Draw, and articles about other products.

Contacting Canvas GFX

When you buy Canvas X Draw, you are automatically eligible for ongoing service by our technical support team. If you have any technical or product-related questions, or just general feedback you would like to share, please visit our Web site at:



Canvas GFX 6/8/2020

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