Working with Pattern Inks

Working with Pattern Inks

Working with Pattern Inks

In technical illustrations, pattern inks are often used to provide a visual representation of the different components of a project. Canvas X Draw gives you the ability to create your own personal set of patterns.

All pattern inks are bicolor 72 dpi bitmap representations with a fixed size of 8 x 8 pixels. Apply pattern inks to text, vector, and image objects.

The use of patterns in a technical illustration

Click on the Pattern Ink icon to open the pattern inks. Use the Presets to apply preset pattern inks to objects or store customized pattern inks that you create in the Pattern manager. (See Pattern Manager.)

To Apply Pattern Inks:

Make sure you select either the Pen or Fill Ink icon on the Presets palette.

If you create a new ink in the Pattern manager, click the Add Preset button to add it to the Presets palette.

  • If object is selected, click on the Pattern Ink cell. 
  • If object is not selected, click on the Pattern Ink cell  and drag the ink to the object.

See Applying Preset Inks for complete steps on applying inks.

To Create or Pattern Inks:

All pattern inks are created or modified in the Pattern manager. You can access the Pattern manager via the Attributes palette when you click on the Pattern Ink icon.

Pattern Manager

Pencil tool

Color the cells within the Edit box.

Move tool

Click within the Edit box to see other parts of the pattern.

Switch Background and Foreground colors

Click this button to switch the colors.

Edit box

Create and modify patterns in this box. Changes appear in the Preview box.

Preview box

Patterns are displayed in this box while being modified.

Background and Foreground color

Choose foreground and background colors from a color palette or create a custom color. (See Color Editor Dialog Box.)

Grayscale slider

Increase grayscale to use more foreground or decrease it to use more background.

Add Preset

Click this button to add the new ink to the Presets palette.

See Also:

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