Working with Symbol Inks

Working with Symbol Inks

Working with Symbol Inks

In the Presets palette, click the Symbol Ink icon to open the Symbol Inks. You can use the preset Symbol Inks or create your own preset symbol inks from text, image, and vector objects. Use any of the Canvas X Draw drawing tools to create objects for a symbol ink.

To Apply Symbol Inks:

  1. In the Presets palette, select the Pen or Fill Ink icon.
  2. Click the Symbol ink icon. 
  3. Select a color.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • If an object is selected, click on the Symbol Ink cell. 
    • If an object is not selected, click on the Symbol Ink cell  and drag the ink to the object.

See Applying Preset Inks for complete steps about applying inks.

To Create Symbol Inks:

  1. In your Canvas X document, create an object to use in your new Symbol Ink.
  2. If you want to use more than one object or object type in the Symbol Ink, you must group the objects.

  3. Deselect any objects in your Canvas X document by pressing Esc.
  4. In the Presets palette, click the Symbol Ink icon , and then the Edit button to open the Symbol manager.
  5. Click the Create button.
  6. Click the object in your document that you want to use in the Symbol Ink.
  7. Adjust the settings for the Symbol Ink in the Symbol manager.
  8. Click the Add Preset button to add the new symbol ink to the preset inks.

Symbol Manager

Adjust the position and spacing of the objects and apply a backdrop ink.


Enter a name for the new Symbol Ink.


Displays the Symbol Ink. Any changes you make are reflected in the Preview area.

Preview zoom

Click the left button to reduce or the right button to enlarge the preview.

X/Y Spacing

Sets the distance between objects as a percentage of the size of the original objects; e.g., a spacing value of 100% makes the distance between the objects equal to their size. X is horizontal distance and Y is vertical distance.


A positive value offsets the even-numbered rows of objects horizontally relative to the odd-numbered rows. To keep all objects aligned, set Stagger to zero. To align alternating rows of objects, enter a higher Stagger value. To create a pattern in which the objects are spread out and objects in alternating rows are aligned with the gaps in the rows above, set the X Spacing and Stagger values to 100 percent.


The percentage of the original object size for the Symbol Ink. A value of 100% maintains the original object size. To reduce the objects, enter a value smaller than 100%. To enlarge the objects, enter a value greater than 100%.


The amount of rotation, specified in degrees, that Canvas X Draw applies to the original objects.


Select an ink in the pop-up menu. Select any ink, including a color, gradient, hatch, texture, and Symbol Ink. The ink you select appears behind the objects in the Symbol Ink.

Align To Object

Turn on this option to keep a Symbol Ink in the same position if the object moves. Turn it off to let overlapping objects share a Symbol Ink without a gap.

See also:

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